Fear of waves: Jill’s journey from anxiety to confidence after injury
The Problem (why Jill has a fear of waves) Jill, a passionate surfer with 11 years of experience, contacted me with a deeply ingrained fear of waves. Seven years ago, as an ambitious beginner, she dislocated her shoulder during a surfing accident. Although she...

How to overcome fear in surfing and ocean trauma through Surf Mental Training
Whether it’s navigating a competitive lineup or dropping into steeper waves, every surfer is bound to face fear in the lineup.
But what happens when that fear becomes so debilitating that you can no longer enjoy your sessions?
Listen to this podcast episode from Confessions of a Surflady to find out!

Exploring the Thrills of Surfing Bigger Waves: An Interview with Swiss Surfer Anna Unternährer
Meet Anna, a Swiss surfer who defied all odds growing up landlocked. With 12 years of riding waves under her belt, she has embarked on a thrilling journey, challenging herself with bigger and bolder swells. Having crossed paths with Anna a few years ago and staying...

Angst beim Surfen überwinden – Tipps für mehr Mut und Gelassenheit
Unsere Angstreaktionen können so frustrierend sein. Vor allem wenn wir vor Angst erstarren und dann weder denken noch reagieren können. In diesem Blogpost findest du Tipps, wie du das ändern kannst.

Duck Dive Guide – Tipps wie du den Duck Dive lernen und verbessern kannst
Wünschst du dir auch, dass du den Duck Dive könntest, damit du während deiner Surfsession viel einfacher ins Line-up kommst? Im Video zeige ich dir eine Übung, wie du deinen Duck Dive mit mentalem Training verbessern kannst.