Fear, anxiety and frustration in the lineup stops here

Surf mental coaching and wellness therapy for female surfers
Don’t let fear of big waves, crowded lineups or one too many late takeoffs ruin your love of surfing. Get to the root of what’s holding you back with holistic, female-led surf mental coaching that transforms anxiety into confidence, self-doubt into self-belief and frustration into freedom – because the secret to better surfing is surfing with courage and having fun!

Are you your own worst frenemy?

If you recognise any of the following manifestations of inadequacy, discomfort or fear, you might be your own worst surf frenemy (friend & enemy)!

  • You have more frustrating surf sessions than fun ones
  • You often pull back on perfect waves, only to feel ashamed that you didn’t “just go”
  • You panic when you see a set loom on the horizon
  • You’re easily swept up into a spiral of negative self-talk after a wipeout
  • No matter how hard you try, you can’t overcome your fear of big waves
  • You’re scared to get in the way in a crowded lineup for fear of being yelled at, treated aggressively or embarrassed
  • You berate yourself for having a “bad” surf session
  • Your performance in the water affects your mood on land

Are you your own worst surf frenemy?

If you recognise any of the following manifestations of inadequacy, discomfort or fear, you might be your own worst surf frenemy (friend & enemy)!

  • You have more frustrating surf sessions than fun ones
  • You often pull back on perfect waves, only to feel ashamed that you didn’t “just go”
  • You panic when you see a set loom on the horizon
  • You’re easily swept up into a spiral of negative self-talk after a wipeout
  • No matter how hard you try, you can’t overcome your fear of big waves
  • You’re scared to get in the way in a crowded lineup for fear of being yelled at, treated aggressively or embarrassed
  • You berate yourself for having a “bad” surf session
  • Your performance in the water affects your mood on land
    female surfer on a longboard riding a wave on a sunny day

    The key to confidence, lightness and joy in the water

    The good news is that going from fear-focused to fun-focused is achievable.

    In fact, it can take just one 90-minute therapy session to initiate a journey of personal self-healing and transform your relationship with surfing for the better so it becomes joyful, light and playful once again!

    Here’s what that could look like for you…

    • Those nervous pre-session butterflies are replaced by a sense of calm confidence
    • You no longer compare yourself to other surfers but focus on your own enjoyment
    • You easily find your place in the lineup and catch waves freely when it’s your turn
    • You stop going over the falls on bigger waves and now paddle and pop-up without hesitation
    • You no longer panic in overhead conditions, but instead face them with a deep understanding that you’ll be OK
    • Other surfers in the lineup begin to respect your commitment, which leads to more waves
    • You finish your session feeling invigorated and proud of your performance
    • You begin to surf more, travel further and ultimately fall in love with surfing all over again!

    The key to confidence, lightness and joy in the water

    The good news is that going from fear-focused to fun-focused is achievable.

    In fact, it can take just one 90-minute therapy session to initiate a journey of personal self-healing and transform your relationship with surfing for the better so it becomes joyful, light and playful once again!

    Here’s what that could look like for you…

    • Those nervous pre-session butterflies are replaced by a sense of calm confidence
    • You no longer compare yourself to other surfers but focus on your own enjoyment
    • You easily find your place in the lineup and catch waves freely when it’s your turn
    • You stop going over the falls on bigger waves and now paddle and pop-up without hesitation
    • You no longer panic in overhead conditions, but instead face them with a deep understanding that you’ll be OK
    • Other surfers in the lineup begin to respect your commitment, which leads to more waves
    • You finish your session feeling invigorated and proud of your performance
    • You begin to surf more, travel further and ultimately fall in love with surfing all over again!
    A blonde woman in a bikini surfing a wave performing top turn

    Thank you for this week and for putting that smile on my face! I cannot put into words how grateful I am for the things we talked through and the strategies and methods I‘ve learned 💛 Surfing is so much of a mental game (I think most sports are) and if your struggling with anything in that regard, it being fear, motivation, trauma, big waves, mindset for performance improvement, pressure or frustration, @fearless_surfer should be your go to! Kim has such a broad understanding of the mental game in sports and whatever I came up with I never felt judged, she took so much time for uncovering underlying issues with me and it really felt like she’s enjoying her work. There is so much more I could say but I just want to put it out there that I’m grateful for the work you do and I hope you will have a lot of success, a lot of waves and to see you again in the line-up some day 🌊

    Lena, Germany, 1:1 Coaching in Lombok

    Personalised coaching that makes you fall in love with your surfing (and yourself)

    Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that the fear and self-doubt you face is unique to you. 99% of surfers feel these emotions at one point or another–it’s totally normal.

    What’s not normal is allowing these self-limiting beliefs to ruin your love for surfing, which is where I come in.

    I combine holistic, science-backed mental training with hypnosis therapy to uncover the root of your fear, whether it’s rational or irrational. I’ll then show you how you can remove this mental blockage with simple exercises that you can do at home.

    You don’t need to live by the ocean, nor do you need to be an experienced surfer.  

    I’ve helped over 200 women and counting of all skill levels from around the world tap into their inner wave warrior and become a more confident surfer and human being.

     Now it’s your turn!

    Free 15-min discovery call

    Book a free, „no-obligation“ discovery call if you have questions before booking a 1:1 coaching session or a retreat. I’ll discuss coaching options with you and address all your inquiries. Hit the button below to schedule a call.

    Online 1:1 Coaching

    My 90-minute-long 1:1 coaching calls are a great place to start. Hit the button below to schedule a call. We’ll then set a time that works for you to both discuss and treat what’s causing your fear, panic attacks and mental blocks.


    Our female-only retreats are truly transformative. More bootcamp than carefree vacation, their primary goal is to give you a safe and supportive environment where you can break down barriers that are holding you back.

    Ready to become your courageous best self in the lineup?

    I’ve been helping women like you conquer their fears and achieve confidence both in and out of the water since 2015. In that time I’ve run over 15 fully-booked international retreats, coached all types of surfers (from landlocked ocean lovers to wave pool champs) and created a program that promises to give you a newfound sense of freedom and independence in the water.

    If you have the courage to engage in one-on-one surf coaching, you have the courage to face your fears.

    Here’s how you can become your best self in the lineup. Note that all payments are taken after the session via bank transfer, Paypal, Revolut or Twint (Switzerland only).

    One-off session / €150

    Book a 90-minute surf therapy session for €150. I recommend at least 1-3 sessions to deal with fear, panic attacks and self-limiting mental blocks, however, sometimes a single session is enough. This coaching is suitable for women at a point in their surfing journey where they’re ready to face their fears and become a more confident, well-rounded surfer.

    Long-term program / €120 - €150

    Schedule a call to discuss long-term programs. These consist of an initial 60-90-minute coaching call like the one above combined with shorter or longer follow-up sessions. This long-term coaching is suitable for women looking to develop positive mental habits leading up to a specific trip, event or surfing competition.

    Meine Vision

    Ich bin Kim Chareonbood, seit 2014 Sportmental-Trainerin, Hypnose-Coach und seit über 16 Jahren leidenschaftliche Surferin. Surfen ist meine Medizin, meine Freiheit und eine meiner grössten Freuden!

    Meine Vision ist es, mit meinem Wissen und jahrelanger Coachingerfahrung so vielen Surferinnen und Surfern wie möglich dabei zu helfen, mutig und mental stark zu sein, damit auch sie das Surfen wieder mindestens zu 150% geniessen können. 

    Weil Surfen einfach etwas vom Schönsten auf der Welt ist! Und noch viel schöner, wenn man seine Ängste, Probleme und Herausforderungen lösen konnte. 

    Meine Vision

    Ich bin Kim Chareonbood, seit 2014 Sportmental-Trainerin, Hypnose-Coach und seit über 16 Jahren leidenschaftliche Surferin. Surfen ist meine Medizin, meine Freiheit und eine meiner grössten Freuden!

    Meine Vision ist es, mit meinem Wissen und jahrelanger Coachingerfahrung so vielen Surferinnen und Surfern wie möglich dabei zu helfen, mutig und mental stark zu sein, damit auch sie das Surfen wieder mindestens zu 150% geniessen können. 

    Weil Surfen einfach etwas vom Schönsten auf der Welt ist! Und noch viel schöner, wenn man seine Ängste, Probleme und Herausforderungen lösen konnte. 

    Thank you for this week and for putting that smile on my face! I cannot put into words how grateful I am for the things we talked through and the strategies and methods I‘ve learned 💛 Surfing is so much of a mental game (I think most sports are) and if your struggling with anything in that regard, it being fear, motivation, trauma, big waves, mindset for performance improvement, pressure or frustration, @fearless_surfer should be your go to! Kim has such a broad understanding of the mental game in sports and whatever I came up with I never felt judged, she took so much time for uncovering underlying issues with me and it really felt like she’s enjoying her work. There is so much more I could say but I just want to put it out there that I’m grateful for the work you do and I hope you will have a lot of success, a lot of waves and to see you again in the line-up some day 🌊

    Lena, Germany, 1:1 Coaching in Lombok

    Dank meines 1:1-Coachings mit Kim war ich in der Lage, Blockaden zu lösen, die mich in meinem Alltag beschäftigten und die Qualität meiner Surfsessions beeinträchtigten. Kim konnte mich mit viel Geduld und Einfühlungsvermögen in einen entspannten Zustand versetzen, in dem ich mich sicher und geborgen fühlte, um diese Blockaden zu identifizieren, zu analysieren und durch unser Gespräch und die anschliessenden Aufgaben, die sie mir stellte, aufzulösen. Die Session gab mir die nötige Klarheit und das Selbstvertrauen, das ich brauchte, um bestimmte Entscheidungen in meinem Leben zu treffen, präsenter zu sein und folglich wieder viel mehr Spass am Surfen zu haben. Merci nomau viumau für die super Sessions!

    Anna Unternährer, Schweiz, 1:1 Online-Coaching

    Public Relations Specialist, Contributor Redbull Blog & Wave Up Magazine

    Eine gute Freundin von mir hat mal gesagt, dass ich die Manöver nicht nur auf dem Wasser trainieren, sondern diese mir auch im Kopf vorstellen soll.

    Also tat ich das und es hat auf Anhieb geklappt. Wahnsinn ich konnte es kaum glauben! Dieser Flow-Moment veranschaulichte mir, dass das mentale Training ein sehr wichtiger Bestandteil des Trainings ist. Ich habe dann zur Vorbereitung auf die Swiss Wavepool Championships Mentaltraining bei Kim gebucht. Durch die Coachings mit ihr konnte ich stets die innere ehrliche Freude und Motivation am Surfen behalten. So durfte ich immer und immer wieder tolle Flow-Momente erleben.

    Als Resultat durfte ich mich über den ersten Platz an der Swiss Wavepool Championship 2021 freuen!

    Hierfür möchte ich mich, bei Dir Kim, für deinen wertvollen Beitrag bedanken!

    Livia Fürst, Schweiz, 1:1 Online-Coaching

    1. Platz Swiss Wavepool Championships 2021

    Kim hat es geschafft, mich über Fern-Hypnose hoch bis zum Peak und tief bis zur Pubertät reisen zu lassen. Der Austausch mit ihr war so erhellend, dass ich diesem ein Kapitel in meinem neuen Buch gewidmet habe! Bäm!

    Dörthe Eickelberg, Deutschland, 1:1 Online-Coaching

    Moderatorin bei X:enius von Arte TV, Produzentin und Autorin

    Deine Resultate:


    Du traust dich, schnellere und steilere Wellen anzupaddeln und zu surfen.

    Du bleibst auch in schwierigen und herausfordernden Situationen gelassen. Wenn Angst oder Panik aufkommt, weisst du, wie du dich wieder in die Ruhe bringst.

    Du fühlst dich in einem vollen Line-up viel wohler und kannst mit mehr Selbstvertrauen deine Wellen anpaddeln.

    Du kannst dich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren und deinen Fokus behalten, no matter what! Denn sobald die Wellen etwas schwieriger werden, ist das einer der wichtigsten Skills überhaupt.

    Du hast eine positive Denkweise und findest die Chancen und Möglichkeiten, die dir die Surfkonditionen bieten.

    Du kriegst mit jeder Session mehr Wellen und hast noch mehr Spass am Surfen!

    Weil du dich mehr traust, kannst du auch an vielen neuen Spots surfen gehen.

    Diese Techniken lassen sich auch in deinem Alltagsleben gut einsetzen! Du lernst also auch für dein Leben!